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English Commencement 2021 Degree Recipients + University Awards & Prizes

Stanford English 2021 Class of 2021 and Awards



The Andrew Smith Memorial Essay Prize is awarded for the best essay written by a first-year Ph.D. or M.A. student.  The essay prize commemorates graduate student, Andrew Smith, a member of the incoming cohort of 1996, who passed away suddenly in the fall of 1997 at the age of 25.
This year’s recipient is Jessica Monaco for her essay: “The Other Heroine”: Lady Blanche De Villefort’s Role in The Mysteries of Udolpho.  
The Alden Dissertation Prize is awarded annually to the Ph.D. student in the English department whose completed dissertation shows greatest promise of scholarly achievement.  Dissertations submitted between Spring 2020 and Winter 2021 were eligible for this year’s prize.  
The 2021 Alden Prize recipient is Nathan Wainstein for his dissertation: “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel.”