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Simone Di Piero
B.A., St. Joseph's College, 1968
M.A., San Francisco State University, 1971
At Stanford Since: 1982
W. S. Di Piero is a poet, essayist, and translator. The most recent of his nine books of poems are Skirts and Slacks (2001), Brother Fire (2004), and Chinese Apples: New and Selected Poems (2007). The latest of his six collections of essays is City Dog (2009), When Can I See You Again? (2010), and Night of Shooting Stars: Poems of Leonardo Sinisgalli (translation, 2010). His translations include Giacomo Leopardi's Pensieri (1984), The Ellipse: Selected Poems of Leonardo Sinisgalli (1983), and Euripides' Ion (1996). Di Piero serves as a consulting editor of Southwest Review and writes frequently about the visual arts. He's a frequent contributor to Threepenny Review and Poetry. He teaches the Stegner Poetry Workshop.
dipiero [at]